"Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a King who had but one problem - he could not sleep. Night came, and the sun passed, the moon came and went, and the king lay down in bed. One strange night slight whisper came from the grass under a blossom tree. He turned his head then beady eyes stared at him. The majesty thought 'Who is that to dare looking at the Kings eyes?' He went to catch the little monster. In a blink of an eye the little creature landed on his eyes, hint his secret elixir, some purple mist was rising, and for the first time in his life, the King fell asleep. It was a Cinober. For centuries they come out from the deep deep forests to help people.

If you listen, at a silent night you can hear their whisper."

ECO - friendly upcycled Eye Masks and crocheted Rag Rugs made with 100 % recycled fabrics.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Elixir


The Elixir consists a combination of Lavender, Rosewood and Rosemary essential oils in sweet almond oil base.

Rosewood essential oil is a great stress reliever. It is therefore widely used for curing nervous disorder and problems related to emotional stress and anxiety. The oil has a slightly spicy, floral and sweet smell.

Lavender is a calming, relaxing oil, which combats stress and crisis. The aroma is sweet, floral, and herbal with balsamic undertones. Aromatherapy with lavender may slow the activity of the nervous system, improve sleep quality, promote relaxation and lift mood in people suffering from sleep disorders. In folklore, pillows were filled with lavender flowers to help restless people fall sleep.

Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain and the central nervous system and is wonderful for clearing the mind. The oil has a clear, powerful refreshing herbal smell. One study suggests that rosemary, combined with other pleasant smelling oils, may lower cortisol levels and help reduce anxiety. Another study found that the use of lavender and rosemary essential oil sachets reduced test taking stress in graduate nursing students.

Hint 10-15 drops on the front side of the mask near the nose. Using on the inner side may be irritant for the sensitive skin around the eyes.

10 ml

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